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February 6: Faywood, NM day two

The sun was already on our campsite when I crawled out of the tent this morning, so making hot beverages in 38-degree weather was a pleasure. I also fried up a mess of peppers and onion, along with some veggie sausage. I piled those ingredients, along with Glen's tasty cabbage and pepper sauerkraut and mustard into wheat wraps. Very good. Glen was on dish duty, per usual.

Within an hour or so we were down to shirt sleeves, but then that wind returned and was again unrelenting for the whole day.

We enjoyed the morning sun and view from our campsite.

Despite the blowing, blustery day, we hoofed it up Table Mountain, which we have a view of from our campsite. Once at the summit, we had views of the mostly empty (of humans) landscape. In the distance, we could see a riparian area snaking through the desert, and a small body of water, likely created by a human to water cattle.

So far, in the area of the Chihuahuan Desert we've visited - including here at City of Rocks - we have not seen a proliferation of cactus.

I may look happy because we are on the descent of the trail - always my favorite part of any hike!

Glen takes a little rest at the summit of Table Mountain.

We had an early supper of pasta with this summer's putanesca sauce, eating the way we eat most of the time we are camping - sharing the meal directly out of the cookpot to cut down on clean-up. I appreciated our garden's tomatoes, peppers, onions and celery all cooked up and preserved in a jar until today.

Tonight we are doing a quick charge of a battery at the visitor center, which we will use to power the electric blanket, since it's supposed to be in the 20s.

Good night. : )


Feb 16, 2023

That last photo is a knockout.


Feb 07, 2023

It's sweet to think of you enjoying some of your garden's bounty in such a far away place. Goodnight🌕


Website design: Mary Chicoine. 2023.

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