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March 6: Apache Junction

A pretty, warm and dry day offered itself up today, and we had a leisurely breakfast at the picnic table, followed by showers and campsite tasks.

I planned a relaxing afternoon, while Glen and Nyssa took off for a late afternoon/evening hike up Siphon Draw, a precipitously steep trail up the mountainside. Glen says the first half of the hike is enjoyable and the second half is more of a scramble, climbing up and over boulders. At the head of the draw, the trail grows even steeper - almost vertical at times, so that's where Glen and Nyssa turned around.

The approach to Siphon Draw begins relatively easily.

Siphon Draw is comprised of steep, very slick, smooth rock. With the recent rain, a little water ran down the draw.

The trail continues up through the notch to Flat Iron.

The view west from Siphon Draw looks onto Apache Junction.

Water seeps across rock surfaces in Siphon Draw.

As Glen descends Siphon Draw, the sun is setting on the day.

The moon rises over Superstion Mountains as we head to the tent for the night.


Tribal Scribal
Tribal Scribal
Mar 08, 2023

Looks like there's caves around Siphon Draw & Flat Iron? We ran into some off the beaten track back in the day. Some had pottery shards but we left them for the experts to deal with. Great pics!


Mar 08, 2023

Loving the photos of cliffs and sky! But those rocky ascents and descents make my feet ache in sympathy. Glen, those red shoes must have magic powers! Where are Nyssa's?

Mar 08, 2023
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"Unknown member" - that's me, your neighbor Mary!

BTW, I spotted some blooming crocus in my yard today.


Mar 08, 2023

Stellar photos!


Mar 08, 2023

Nice rock formations ,did Glen find many rocks to collect ? Glad the weather is now favorable.

Mar 08, 2023
Replying to

Last trip looks like bought a hundred pounds back

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